以南极磷虾为研究对象,采用丙酮提取南极磷虾中的虾青素。优化硅胶柱层析技术分离虾青素双酯、单酯及游离虾青素;筛选合适的展开剂,利用薄层层析法对得到的样品进行鉴定;通过Chiralpak IC柱鉴别其立体结构;运用C30-HPLC法测定不同形态虾青素的含量。结果表明,硅胶柱层析以不同比例的丙酮-石油醚溶液梯度淋洗,可以分离制备虾青素双酯、单酯及游离虾青素;V(正己烷)∶V(丙酮)∶V(乙酸)=8∶2∶0.2 为薄层层析最佳展开剂。南极磷虾中不同形态虾青素均由3S,3′S、3S,3′R、3R,3′R 3种光学异构体组成,虾青素双酯和单酯中3R,3′R所占比例>70%,3S,3′S的比例最低。南极磷虾中总虾青素含量为18.9 mg/kg,其中虾青素双酯中虾青素含量为12.0 mg/kg,虾青素单酯中虾青素含量为6.1 mg/kg,游离虾青素含量为0.8 mg/kg。
In this study, acetone was used to extract the astaxanthin from Antarctic krill. The silica gel column chromatography was optimised for separating astaxanthin diester, astaxanthin monoester, and free astaxanthin. A suitable developing solvent was selected. Samples were identified by a thin layer chromatography and the three-dimensional structures were confirmed by Chiralpak IC column. The contents of astaxanthin in different forms were quantified using C30-HPLC. The results showed that a gradient elution through silica gel column chromatography with different ratios of acetone-petroleum ether could completely separate free astaxanthin, astaxanthin monoester and diester. V (n-hexane)∶V (acetone)∶V (acetic acid)=8∶2∶0.2 was the optimum developing solvent for thin layer chromatography. Astaxanthin from Antarctic krill included three optical isomers: 3S,3′S, 3S,3′R, and 3R,3′R. The proportions of 3R,3′R in astaxanthin diesters and monoesters were more than 70%, and the proportion of 3S,3′S was the lowest. The total astaxanthin content in Antarctic krill was 18.9 mg/kg, of which the astaxanthin contents of astaxanthin diester, astaxanthin monoester, and free astaxanthin were 12.0, 6.1 and 0.8 mg/kg, respectively.
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