探讨热加工对牦牛瘤胃主要蛋白含量及功能特性的影响,以期为牦牛瘤胃产品的加工利用提供理论指导。该试验以牦牛瘤胃肚领与非肚领为原料,在不同加热条件下,研究其主要蛋白含量及蛋白质功能特性。结果表明,随着加热温度的升高和加热时间的延长,牦牛瘤胃水溶性和盐溶性蛋白含量均呈下降的趋势,但不溶性蛋白含量呈上升的趋势,乳化能力、乳化稳定性、起泡能力、溶解度均呈现一个先上升后下降的趋势,但其起泡稳定性呈下降趋势,浊度呈上升的趋势,牦牛瘤胃肚领的水溶性、盐溶性蛋白含量及蛋白乳化稳定性、起泡能力、浊度和溶解度均显著高于非肚领(P<0.05),不溶性蛋白含量、乳化能力和泡沫稳定性显著低于非肚领(P<0.05)。 其中二者的乳化能力和溶解度及起泡能力在加热温度为80 ℃和加热时间为80 min时达到最好,通过结果分析,牦牛瘤胃在加热温度80 ℃和加热时间80 min是一个关键点,为牦牛瘤胃原料肉及制品的开发及应用提供一定理论参考。
The effects of thermal processing on the main protein contents and functional properties of yok's rumen were discussed in order to provide theoretical guidance for the processing and utilization of yok rumen products. In this experiment, the main protein content and functional properties of the protein of the yok's rumen collar and non-neck collar were studied under different heating conditions. The results showed that with increasing heating temperature and heating time, the water-soluble and salt-soluble protein contents of yok's rumen decreased, but insoluble protein content showed an increasing trend. Moreover, emulsifying capacity, emulsion stability, foaming ability, and solubility showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing, but the foaming stability showed a trend of decreasing. Furthermore, the turbidity showed a trend of increasing. The contents of water-soluble and salt-soluble protein, protein emulsion stability, foaming ability, turbidity, and solubility of the yok's rumen collar were significantly higher than those of the non-neck collar (P<0.05). The insoluble protein content, emulsifying capacity, and foam stability were significantly lower than those of the non-neck collar (P<0.05). The emulsifying capacity, solubility, and foaming ability of both of them reached the best when the they were heated at 80°C for 80 min. According to the above analysis, heating the rumen of the yok at 80°C for 80 min is a key point. It provides a theoretical reference for the development and application of beef rumen raw meat and its products.
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