通过测定鸡肉湿腌过程中的质量、水分、盐分、剪切力、蒸煮损失和压榨损失的变化,分析不同质量分数的食盐(3%、6%、9%、12%、15%)对鸡肉传质动力学、嫩度和保水性的影响,结果表明,质量变化量和水分变化量随食盐质量分数的增加而呈现先增大后减小的趋势,NaCl变化量随食盐质量分数的增加而增加;剪切力、蒸煮损失和压榨损失随着腌制时间的延长有所下降。5种食盐浓度的传质预测模型均有较高的线性关系,可以较好地应用于鸡肉的腌制。综合考虑产量、水分含量、NaCl含量、嫩度和保水性等因素,风鸡腌制工艺较为合适的食盐添加量为9%,最佳的腌制时间为36~48 h。
This study analyzed the effects of different NaCl concentrations (3%, 6%, 9%, 12%, and 15%) on mass transfer kinetics, tenderness and water retention of chicken, and to obtain mass transfer kinetic data of marinated chicken. Changes in total weight, moisture, NaCl content, shearing force, cooking loss and crush loss of chicken during wet-curing were measured. The results showed that the total weight and moisture level of the chicken firstly increased and then decreased with increasing NaCl concentration. Moreover, the shearing force, cooking loss and compression loss of the chicken decreased with prolonged marinating time. Furthermore, the mass transfer prediction models of these five NaCl concentrations had linear relationships and were useful for applying to marinated chicken. By considering the yield, moisture content, NaCl content, tenderness and water retention of the chicken, the optimum amount of salt added to air-dried chicken was 9%, and the best marinating time length was 36-48 h.
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