

  • 许奕晗 ,
  • 龙春花 ,
  • 于峰 ,
  • 廖红东
  • (湖南大学 生物学院,湖南 长沙,410082)

收稿日期: 2018-12-26

  网络出版日期: 2019-07-08



PCA analysis of influences of micro-constitute of edible alcohol onacetic fermentation

  • XU Yihan ,
  • LONG Chunhua ,
  • YU Feng ,
  • LIAO Hongdong
  • (School of Biology, Hunan University, Changsha 410082, China)

Received date: 2018-12-26

  Online published: 2019-07-08


醋酸发酵中,原料食用酒精的选择会影响发酵速率的快慢和发酵结果的成败。因此,为醋酸发酵建立一套醋酸发酵类食用酒精检测标准迫在眉睫。该实验采用气相色谱-质谱联用结合主成分法测定、分析来源不同的食用酒精的微量成分的差异。结果表明,8种不同来源的食用酒精对醋酸的生产存在明显差异,采用气相色谱-质谱联用仪在这8种食用酒精中共检测出24种微量成分。PCA和聚类分析显示食用酒精中的微量成分的差异影响醋酸发酵的速率。甲酸、甲酸乙酯、戊酸-1,2-烯丙基酯、亚硫酸己基辛酯、草酸、丁基-6-乙基-3-酯、乙酸、甘油等微量成分可能影响醋酸发酵。发酵实验证实含量为100 μg/mL的甲酸和含量为500 μg/mL甲酸乙酯能显著降低醋酸发酵的速率。该研究表明食用酒精的微量成分影响醋酸发酵,并为建立一套以部分微量成分为参考值的醋酸发酵类食用酒精检测标准提供参考。


许奕晗 , 龙春花 , 于峰 , 廖红东 . 基于PCA分析食用酒精微量成分对醋酸发酵的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(11) : 123 -128 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019765


It has been found that edible alcohol influences the speed of acetic acid fermentation and the results. Therefore, it is imminent to establish a set of standards to detect edible alcohol during acetic acid fermentation. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and principal component analysis (PCA) were adopted to determine and analyze differences in micro-constituent of edible alcohol. The results showed that there were clear different effects on acetic acid production by eight kinds of edible alcohol. A total of 24 trace components were detected in these edible alcohols. PCA and cluster analysis showed that the differences in trace components affected the fermentation rate of acetic acid. Some trace components, such as formic acid, ethyl formate, valeric acid-1,2-allyl ester, hexyloctyl sulfite, oxalic acid, butyl-6-ethyl-3-ester, acetic acid, and glycerol might affect the fermentation of acetic acid. Moreover, 100 μg/mL formic acid and 500 μg/mL ethyl formate significantly decreased the fermentation rate of acetic acid. In conclusion, micro-constituent of edible alcohol influences acetic fermentation, which provides a reference for formulating a set of standards for detecting acetic fermentative edible alcohol with partial micro-constituent as reference values.


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