

  • 张海燕 ,
  • 吴燕燕 ,
  • 李来好 ,
  • 杨贤庆 ,
  • 林婉玲 ,
  • 胡晓 ,
  • 魏涯
  • 1(广东海洋大学 食品学院,广东 湛江,524088)
    2(中国水产科学研究院,南海水产研究所,农业农村部水产品加工重点实验室,广东 广州,510300)

收稿日期: 2018-11-22

  网络出版日期: 2019-07-08



Optimized deodorization process of Lateolabrax japonicas fillets byresponse surface methodology

  • ZHANG Haiyan ,
  • WU Yanyan ,
  • LI Laihao ,
  • YANG Xianqing ,
  • LIN Wanling ,
  • HU Xiao ,
  • WEI Ya
  • 1(College of Food Science and Technology, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088,China)
    2(South China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences; Key Lab of Aquatic ProductProcessing, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs of P.R. China, Guangzhou 510300, China)

Received date: 2018-11-22

  Online published: 2019-07-08


以海鲈鱼(Lateolabrax japonicas)为研究对象,以从天然产物中筛选的薄荷香精、酵母提取物为脱腥剂,采用单因素实验,分析在(15±2)℃的条件下,料液比、脱腥液浓度、脱腥时间对海鲈鱼片的腥味及感官品质的影响,再通过响应面法对海鲈鱼脱腥工艺参数进行优化。结果表明,酵母提取物与薄荷香精能较好地降低海鲈鱼片的腥味;优化的脱腥工艺为:在(15±2)℃条件下,将刚宰杀好的海鲈鱼片放入脱腥液中,料液比为1∶3(g∶mL),脱腥液中酵母提取物的质量浓度和薄荷香精体积分数分别为1.0 g/L和0.01%,脱腥浸泡42 min。感官评价显示,处理后鱼片无腥味,且对鱼片的色泽、质地、新鲜度均无影响。经GC-MS分析得出海鲈鱼片脱腥后风味物质种类基本不变,而己醛、2-己烯醛、庚醛、E-2-壬烯醛、癸醛、3,5-辛二烯-2-酮等腥味物质含量明显降低。


张海燕 , 吴燕燕 , 李来好 , 杨贤庆 , 林婉玲 , 胡晓 , 魏涯 . 响应面法优化海鲈鱼片脱腥工艺[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(11) : 143 -149 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019400


In order to solve the problem of off-flavour of Lateolabrax japonicas to improve its product quality, this study selected mint essence and yeast extract from natural products as fishy smell removing agents. Single factor experiments were used to analyze the effects of solid to liquid ratio, the amount of agent used, and the time length of removing off-smell on the sensory quality of Lateolabrax japonicas at (15±2) ℃. Besides, the deodorizing process of Lateolabrax japonicas was optimized by response surface methodology. The results showed that both yeast extract and mint essence could reduce fishy smell. The optimal deodorizing condition was as follows: soaked freshly slaughtered Lateolabrax japonicas fillets in the agent at (15±2) ℃ for 42 min, the solid to liquid ratio was 1∶3, and the amounts of yeast extract and mint essence in the agent was 0.1% and 0.01%, respectively. The sensory evaluation showed that the fish fillets had no fishy smell after treatment, and no effects on the color, texture, and freshness were observed. GC-MS showed that the flavor of Lateolabrax japonicas basically unchanged after deodorization, but the contents of astringent substances, such as hexanal, 2-hexenal, heptanal, E-2-nonenal, decanal, and 3,5-octadien-2-one were remarkably lowered.


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