以冷鲜牛肉为研究对象,通过分析菌落总数、大肠杆菌、L*(亮度)、a*(红度)、高铁肌红蛋白值(metmyoglobin, metMb)、肉糜脂肪氧化程度(meat fat oxidation degree, TBARS)、挥发性盐基氮(total volatile basic nitrogen, TVB-N值)、硬度以及汁液流失率等指标,研究了0.06 g/100mL壳寡糖和不同浓度茶多酚复配对冷鲜牛肉的保鲜效果。结果表明,使用复合保鲜剂,比单独使用壳寡糖可以更好地抑制冷鲜牛肉中菌落总数、大肠菌群、MetMb%、TBARS、TVB-N、硬度和汁液流失率的上升,以及L*、a*的下降。0.06 g/100mL壳寡糖与0.3 g/100mL茶多酚复配时,保鲜效果最佳,可将冷鲜牛肉的货架期由单独壳寡糖处理的20 d延长至25 d。
In order to investigate the effects of compounded preservatives on the quality of chilled beef and determine the optimum formula of the preservative, 0.06 g/100mL chitosan oligosaccharide and tea polyphenol with different concentrations were studied. The aerobic plate count, coliform count, L* and a* values, metMb %, TBARS, TVB-N, hardness, and dripping loss of the beef were measured. The results showed that compared with using chitosan-oligosaccharide alone, compounded preservatives had better effects on inhibiting increases in aerobic plate count, coliform count, metMb%, TBARS, TVB-N, hardness and dripping loss and decreases in L* and a* values of chilled beef. In addition, the optimal compounded preservative composed of 0.06 g/100mL chitosan oligosaccharide and 0.3 g/100mL tea polyphenol, as it could prolong the shelf life of chilled beef for five days. This research provides a technical reference and basis for developing natural preservatives for chilled beef.
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