核桃花是我国西南地区的特色果蔬,加工贮藏过程中容易发生褐变,护色剂处理是减缓果蔬褐变的有效途径之一。采用乙酸锌、乙二胺四乙酸二钠、碳酸钠、抗坏血酸、氯化钙和L-半胱氨酸等护色剂分别对核桃花进行处理,以色差值、褐变强度为评价指标,筛选出护色效果较好的护色剂并进行复配,以确定最佳复合护色剂;选择护色剂浓度、护色时间、护色温度为主要影响因素,采用响应面法对核桃花护色工艺进行优化。结果表明,最佳复配护色剂为m(乙二胺四乙酸二钠)∶m(氯化钙)=1∶1、护色剂质量浓度5.23 mg/mL,护色温度25.5 ℃、护色时间2.3 h,在此条件下护色效果最佳,核桃花的色差值和褐变强度最低,分别为5.26和0.49。该研究通过优化得到了核桃花的最佳护色剂配方和护色工艺,有利于核桃花的加工利用。
. 核桃花护色工艺的条件优化[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019
, 45(13)
: 160
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019864
Walnut flower is one of special vegetables in Southwest China. However, changes in physicochemical properties of walnut flower lead to browning and other negative effects during its processing and storage, and using color retention agents is one of effective ways to prevent browning. This study used color difference and browning level as indicators to investigate the color protective effects of zinc acetate, disodium edetate, sodium carbonate, ascorbic acid, calcium chloride, and L-cysteine on walnut flowers. Besides, the optimum formula of compounded color retention agent was determined. The results showed that the optimum compounded color retention agent composed of equivalent amount of disodium edetate and calcium chloride. The agent had the best effect at 5.23 mg/mL when soaked at 25.5 ℃ for 2.3 h. Under this condition, the color difference and browning level of the flower were 5.26 and 0.49, respectively. This study obtained the optimum formulation and processing condition for protecting the color of walnut flower, which is helpful for utilizing and processing walnut flower.
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