为选择适宜桃溪蜜柚长期贮藏的采收成熟度,以花后178、192和208 d(采收期Ⅰ、Ⅱ和Ⅲ)的果实为对象,比较了贮藏180 d内果实品质变化。结果表明,采收期Ⅲ失重率低于其他2个时期,出汁率则高于其他2个时期;采收期Ⅰ和Ⅲ的腐烂率低于采收期Ⅱ;采收期Ⅲ的果实亮度最高,但色差指数低于Ⅱ和Ⅰ;可食率三者无差别。采收期Ⅲ的总糖含量高于采收期Ⅰ和Ⅱ;采收期Ⅱ和Ⅲ的可固含量高于采收期Ⅰ;除30 d外采收期Ⅲ的可滴定酸含量最低。固酸比:采收期Ⅲ>Ⅱ>Ⅰ。贮藏60~90 d采收期Ⅱ和Ⅲ的VC含量较高。贮藏120 d时,采收期Ⅲ的SOD活性高于采收期Ⅰ和Ⅱ;采收期Ⅰ和Ⅲ的PPO活性高于采收期Ⅱ;采收期Ⅱ的MDA含量最高。总之,花后208 d采收且贮藏120 d内上市可维持较好的外观及风味品质。
In order to select the optimum harvest maturity for long-term storage of Taoxi pomelo, fruits were collected after 178 d, 192 d and 208 d of anthesis, which were harvest period I, II and III, respectively. The fruit quality was compared during 180 d storage. The results showed that the weight loss rate of fruits harvested during period III was lower than others, while the juice yield had opposite results. Moreover, the rot rates of fruits harvested during period I and III were lower than that of period II. Besides, fruits harvested during period III had the highest lightness but lowest citrus color index. No differences were observed among fruits harvested during three periods regarding their edible rates. Furthermore, the total sugar content of fruits harvested during period III was higher, and the total soluble solids contents of fruits harvested during period II and III were higher than that during period I. Additionally, stage III fruits had the lowest titratable acids contents (except on day 30) and had the highest ratio of sugar to acid. The VC content in fruits harvested during period II and III were higher when stored for 60-90 d, and the SOD activity of stage III fruits was significantly higher on day 120. In addition, the POD activity was higher in stage I and III fruits. In conclusion, fruits harvested on 208 d after anthesis and marketed within 120 d of storage would have attractive appearance and acceptable flavor.
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