采用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱-质谱联用(solidphase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, SPME-GC-MS)技术与气相色谱-闻香法(gas chromatography-olfactometry, GC-O)中时间强度法和香气活度值(odor activity value, OAV)相结合的方法,探究红心火龙果果酒中特征香气物质。自制红心火龙果果酒中特征香气物质主要为己酸乙酯(OAV=276.45,下同)、乙酸异戊酯(103.54)、辛酸乙酯(50.45)、异戊醇(4.32)、乙酸乙酯(3.50)、苯乙醇(3.36);市售红心火龙果果酒样品1中主要为己酸乙酯(95.41)、乙酸异戊酯(41.97)、丁二酸二乙酯(19.00)、乙酸乙酯(12.12)、辛酸乙酯(11.67)、异戊醇(4.36);市售红心火龙果果酒样品2中主要为己酸乙酯(53.80)、丁二酸二乙酯(25.08)、乙酸异戊酯(17.64)、乙酸乙酯(16.55)。该研究首次分析确定了红心火龙果果酒中的特征香气物质,明晰香气物质对果酒的贡献程度,为火龙果果酒品质的调控和提升提供理论依据。
The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristic aroma compounds in red pitaya wine. SPME-GC-MS combined with gas chromatography-olfactometry (GC-O) and odor active values (OAV) were applied. It was found that the main aroma components in home-made pitaya wine were ethyl caproate (OAV=276.45, the same as below), isoamyl acetate (103.54), ethyl octoate (50.45), isoamyl alcohol (4.32), ethyl acetate (3.50), and phenylethanol (3.36). Ethyl caproate (95.41), isoamyl acetate (41.97), diethyl succinate (19.00), ethyl acetate (12.12), ethyl caprylate (11.67), and isoamyl alcohol (4.36) were the main components in commercial pitaya wine 1. Ethyl caproate (53.80), diethyl succinate (25.08), isoamyl acetate (17.64), and ethyl acetate (16.55) were the main components in commercial pitaya wine 2.This study analyzed the characteristic aroma compounds in red pitaya wine for the first time and clarified the contribution degree of these compounds to wine flavor, which provides a theoretical basis for quality control and promotion of red pitaya wine.
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