该研究建立了针对浓香型白酒饮后不适感的关键高级醇类物质关联性判定方法。通过旷场实验对6款不同的浓香型白酒小鼠灌胃后的行为进行研究,采集了小鼠灌胃后30 min时1 min内的行为学指标包括活动总路程、平均速度、停滞时间、停滞次数。通过气相色谱火焰离子化检测器(gas chromatography-flame ionization detection,GC-FID)对高级醇类物质进行定量分析,并利用对应分析法和PCA分析法对主要贡献的高级醇成分进行确定。将以上实验结果关联性分析,初步对每款酒样引起小鼠饮后不适感的浓香型白酒关键高级醇类物质进行判定。结果表明,导致小鼠行为异常兴奋的酒样,其异戊醇含量越高;而导致小鼠行为异常呆滞的酒样,正丙醇含量越高。因此,推断异戊醇和正丙醇为引起浓香型白酒饮后不适的关键高级醇。该方法可以为白酒企业酒体设计和生产提供参考。
A novel method was established to determine the associations between drinking discomforts and key higher alcohols in strong-aroma Baijiu. Open-field tests were used to study mice’s after-drinking behaviors. The data related to behaviors, including total move distance, average speed, immobile time and immobile episodes, in mice were collected within 1 min after intragastric administration with Baijiu for 30 mins. The main flavor compounds of Baijiu samples were quantitatively analyzed by GC-FID, correspondent analysis and PCA. The results showed that the mice displayed unusual exciting behavior after giving Baijiu samples with higher content of isoamyl alcohol, and unusual behavior of lethargy with Baijiu samples higher in n-propanol. These results suggested that isoamyl alcohol and n-propanol were key higher alcohols that caused drinking discomforts after consuming strong-aroma Baijiu. This study can be a reference for component design and production of Baijiu.
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