In this study, Chlorella was applied into highland barley bread to study the influence of Chlorella in different proportions on the baking quality of barley bread. The results showed that the specific volume of highland barley bread decreased as the addition of Chlorella increased. The Chlorella addition had little effect on the water content of barley bread; however, it delayed the water loss of the bread. Moreover, it caused a significant increase in the hardness, chewiness and stickiness of barley bread as well as a slight decrease in the elasticity and resilience, while it didn't affect much on the cohesion of bread. According to the comprehensive texture and sensory analysis, when the Chlorella addition was around 1.0%, though the specific volume of bread was slightly decreased, and the hardness, chewiness and stickiness of bread were slightly increased, but the sensory comprehensive score was significantly higher than that of control. In addition, the addition significantly increased the DPPH scavenging rate and hydroxyl radical scavenging rate of bread extract. This study indicates that introduction of Chlorella in highland barley bread improves both the nutritional value and the bread quality, which provides some references for further researches on the application of Chlorella in baking foods.
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