

  • 张满 ,
  • 周亚军 ,
  • 温丑玉 ,
  • 徐瑞彬 ,
  • 曹燕峰 ,
  • 牛丽红 ,
  • 刘海梅 ,
  • 赵芹
  • (鲁东大学 食品工程学院,山东 烟台,264025)
本科生(赵芹讲师为通讯作者,E-mail: candyffff@163.com)。

收稿日期: 2019-03-27

  网络出版日期: 2020-02-16


山东省重点研发计划(2018YYSP009);国家级大学生创新创业训练计划(201810451081);山东省自然科学基金(ZR2 018BC060;ZR2019PC058)

Effects of different factors on the oyster Maillard reaction product

  • ZHANG Man ,
  • ZHOU Yajun ,
  • WEN Chouyu ,
  • XU Ruibin ,
  • CAO Yanfeng ,
  • NIU Lihong ,
  • LIU Haimei ,
  • ZHAO Qin
  • (Ludong University, Yantai 264025, China)

Received date: 2019-03-27

  Online published: 2020-02-16


该文研究不同反应因素对牡蛎酶解液美拉德反应产物(Maillard reaction produncts,MRPs)的影响,制备具有肉香味的天然牡蛎调味液。通过以牡蛎酶解液与葡萄糖建立美拉德反应体系,以感官评分、褐变程度和中间产物为指标,通过单因素试验和正交试验研究L-半胱氨酸盐(L-Cystine,L-Cys)质量分数、硫胺素(Vitamin B1,VB1)质量分数、体系初始pH及反应时间4个因素对MRPs的影响,优化得到美拉德反应的最佳工艺条件。结果表明,美拉德反应的最佳工艺条件为:L-Cys质量分数0.15%、VB1质量分数0.50%、体系初始pH 8.0、反应时间130 min。在此最优组合条件下,MRPs的感官评分为4.67,A420为0.672,A294为0.853,具有良好的肉香味。美拉德反应可以有效改善牡蛎酶解产物的风味,在新型牡蛎调味品的开发中具有良好的应用前景。


张满 , 周亚军 , 温丑玉 , 徐瑞彬 , 曹燕峰 , 牛丽红 , 刘海梅 , 赵芹 . 不同因素对牡蛎酶解液美拉德反应产物的影响[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(22) : 190 -195 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020677


To prepare natural oyster seasoning with meat flavor, the effect of Maillard reaction products on the flavor and color of the natural oyster seasoning with meat flavor was studied in present work. The Maillard reaction products (MRPs) were prepared using glucose and oyster enzymatic hydrolysate. To obtain better color and flavor in MRPs, the parameters, including the mass fraction of L-Cystine hydrochloride (L-Cys) and vitamin B1 (VB1), initial pH and reaction time, were optimized through “one-factor-at-a-time” approach and orthogonal experimental design method. During optimization process, sensory score, degree of browning and intermediates were selected as indicators. The optimum conditions for Maillard reaction were the 0.15% mass fraction of L-Cys, 0.25% mass fraction of VB1, 130 min reaction time and pH 8.0. Under the optimum conditions, sensory value of MRPs, A420 and A294 researched 4.67, 0.672 and 0.853, respectively. And the MRPs had a satisfied meat flavor. The Maillard reaction can improve the oyster flavor efficiently, which has expecting applications for developing new oyster seasoning products.


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