为探究酵母不同传代次数和外源添加锌离子对酵母胞内有机锌的影响,并明确酵母胞内有机锌与发酵过程风味代谢物质的相关性,对不同发酵车间、不同代数以及外源添加锌离子发酵的酵母菌株YJ02进行胞内有机锌追踪检测,同时测定其发酵过程中风味代谢物质。结果表明:随着酵母菌株YJ02传代次数和发酵液外源锌离子含量的增加,酵母胞内有机锌均呈现先上升后趋于平稳的趋势,外加锌离子含量保持在0.4~1.4 mg/L范围内,对酵母菌株YJ02生长最有利;同时酵母胞内有机锌含量与发酵过程中酯类物质呈现显著正相关,与醛类和醇类物质呈现显著负相关。发酵过程中酵母菌株YJ02利用锌离子的能力是有限的,且胞内有机锌含量与发酵过程中风味代谢物质密切相关,可为后续啤酒酿造过程中风味物质的控制提供理论指导和参考。
This study analyzed the effects of yeast culture time and exogenous zinc ions on the intracellular organic zinc, and clarified relation of the intracellular organic zinc and flavor metabolites during fermentation. This experiment analyzed the intracellular organic zinc in yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae YJ02 isolated from different fermentation plant, at different culture time, and from broth with different exogenous zinc ions amount. Their flavor metabolites were analyzed simultaneously. The result showed that with the increase of YJ02 culture time and exogenous zinc ion amount, the intracellular organic zinc in yeast increased initially and then stabilized. When the zinc ion content kept within the range of 0.4-1.4 mg/L, YJ02 growth rate was at the maximum. Meanwhile, the intracellular organic zinc quantity had positive correlation with lipids, and negative correlation with aldehydes and alcohols. The result proved that the YJ02′s ability of using zinc ion was limited during fermentation. Also, the content of intracellular organic zinc was closely related to flavor metabolites, which also provided theoretical guidance and reference for flavor control for subsequent beer brewing process.
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