以不同形态下的芹菜纤维作为主原料,制备植物空心胶囊,并对比分析了芹菜纤维形态与尺寸对胶囊力学性能的影响。结果表明,由纤维粉制备的胶囊膜的力学性能优于湿纤维所制备的胶囊膜。采用Box-Benhnken设计,得到以芹菜纤维粉作为主原料的胶囊膜优化配方:纤维粉含量为0.84 g/L,粗细程度为40目,复配胶含量为16 g/L时,制备的胶囊膜具有良好的成膜性,其抗拉强度为14.443 MPa,断裂伸长率为26.958%。胶囊表面致密性良好,崩解时限为62 min,符合中国药典指标。该研究为制备植物空心胶囊提供了新思路,具有良好的应用前景。
A new type of plant hollow capsule was developed by extracting celery fiber from different forms as main raw material. By single factor test of fiber preparation and fiber morphology, the effects of celery fiber morphology and size on the mechanical properties of capsules were analyzed. The results showed that the mechanical properties of capsule membrane prepared by fiber powder were better than those prepared by wet fiber. The optimum formulation of capsule film with celery fiber powder as main raw material was obtained by Box-Benhnken design. When the content of fiber powder was 0.84 g/L, the thickness was 40 mesh, and the content of compound glue was 16 g/L, the capsule film had good film forming property, with tensile strength of 14.443 MPa and the elongation at break of 26.958%. The surface of the capsule was compact and the disintegration time was 62 min, which was in accordance with the index of Chinese Pharmacopoeia. It provides a new idea for the preparation of plant hollow capsules, and has important practical significance and application prospect.
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