为研究贮藏温度对高温高压海参体壁组织结构变化的影响,将预处理后的刺参组织分别在4、20、37、50和60 ℃进行恒温贮藏。通过质构(texture profile analysis,TPA)参数、水分状态、扫描电镜(scanning electron microscopy,SEM)和透射电镜(transmission electron microscopy,TEM)图像的变化情况,研究贮藏温度对高温高压海参体壁稳定性的影响。结果表明,高温高压热处理过程中微生物和内源酶已完全失活,并且在贮藏0~30 d过程中仍然保持失活状态。在高温高压热处理过程中,胶原纤维束的结构被破坏,胶原蛋白的三螺旋结构也逐渐解旋和降解。在贮藏过程中,胶原纤维束和胶原蛋白的结构被进一步破坏和降解,且被破坏的程度与贮藏温度呈正相关。因此,可以通过降低贮藏温度进而有效地减小对组织结构的破坏程度,从而延长高温高压海参产品的货架期。
In order to study the effects of storage temperature on the microstructural changes of high temperature and high pressure sea cucumber body wall, the pretreated sea cucumber was stored at 4, 20, 37, 50 and 60 °C. The changes of texture profile analysis (TPA) parameters, water status, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) images were determined. The results showed that microorganisms and endogenous enzymes were completely inactivated during high temperature and high pressure treatment, and remained inactivated during storage for 0-30 days. In addition, the structure of the collagen fiber bundle was destroyed and broken, and the triple helix structure of collagen was gradually untwisted and degraded. During storage, the structure of collagen fiber bundles and collagen was further destroyed and degraded, and the extent of damage was positively correlated with storage temperature. Therefore, the degree of damage to the tissue structure could be effectively reduced by lowering the storage temperature, thereby prolonging the shelf life of the high temperature and high pressure sea cucumber products.
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