

  • 郑连姬 ,
  • 邹勇 ,
  • 张琪 ,
  • 李智 ,
  • 费华熙 ,
  • 钟耕
  • 1(西南大学 食品科学学院,重庆,400715)

修回日期: 2019-06-11

  网络出版日期: 2019-11-15


重庆市2018年度科研机构绩效激励引导专项(100125); 重庆市转制院所绩效激励专项(4411800216)

Determination and exposure assessment of seven inedible pigments in Chongqing hotpot seasoning by alumina column coupling with high performance liquid chromatography

  • ZHENG Lianji ,
  • ZOU Yong ,
  • ZHANG Qi ,
  • LI Zhi ,
  • FEI Huaxi ,
  • ZHONG Geng
  • 1(College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715,China)
    2(Chongqing Food Industry Institute, Chongqing 400042,China)
    3(Chongqing Grain and Oil Quality Supervision and Inspection Station, Chongqing 400026,China)

Revised date: 2019-06-11

  Online published: 2019-11-15


为了调查、评估重庆火锅底料中7种非食用色素的安全性,经氧化铝柱净化、高压液相色谱法同时测定100组重庆产火锅底料中7种非食用色素碱性橙Ⅱ、罗丹明B、对位红、苏丹红Ⅰ、苏丹红Ⅱ、苏丹红Ⅲ、苏丹红Ⅳ。利用基于Monte Carlo模拟技术的Crystal Ball风险评估软件模拟和抽样对重庆火锅底料中7种非食用色素暴露量和风险进行了非参数概率评估,结果表明,重庆产火锅底料中7种非食用色素均低于方法检出限(碱性橙Ⅱ 0.106 mg/kg、罗丹明B 0.010 mg/kg、对位红 0.006 mg/kg、苏丹红Ⅰ0.086 mg/kg、苏丹红Ⅱ 0.138 mg/kg、苏丹红Ⅲ 0.014 mg/kg、苏丹红Ⅳ 0.004 mg/kg),摄食重庆火锅底料对不同年龄段居民带来7种非食用色素危害概率为0%。该研究为指导重庆火锅的安全食用及今后的风险管理提供理论依据。


郑连姬 , 邹勇 , 张琪 , 李智 , 费华熙 , 钟耕 . 氧化铝柱-高压液相色谱法测定重庆火锅底料中7种非食用色素及暴露评估[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(19) : 277 -286 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021102


To investigate and evaluate the safety of seven non-edible pigments in Chongqing hotpot seasonings, a method for the simultaneous determination of seven inedible pigments (basic orangeⅡ, Rhodamine B, Para red, Sudan I, Sudan Ⅱ, Sudan Ⅲ, Sudan Ⅳ) was developed using alumina column coupling with high performance liquid chromatography. The Crystal ball risk assessment software based on Monet Carlo method simulation technology was used to evaluate the safety of chronic daily index (CDI) and food safety index (FSI) of seven inedible pigments in Chongqing hotpot seasoning as well. The results showed that seven kinds of non-edible pigments were lower than the detection limit of the method(basic orange II 0.106 mg/kg, rhodamine B 0.010 mg/kg, para-red 0.006 mg/kg, Sudan I 0.086 mg/kg, Sudan II 0.138 mg/kg, Sudan III 0.014 mg/kg, and Sudan IV 0.004 mg/kg). The hazard probability of the pigments to residents of different ages caused by Chongqing hotpot seasoning is 0%. This study provides a theoretical basis for guiding the safe consumption of Chongqing hotpot and future risk management.


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