

  • 李佩佩 ,
  • 颉向红 ,
  • 王聪 ,
  • 李冬冬 ,
  • 刘军 ,
  • 王丽萍 ,
  • 张喜康 ,
  • 马露 ,
  • 刘敦华
  • 宁夏大学 农学院,宁夏 银川,750021

收稿日期: 2019-07-25

  网络出版日期: 2020-02-10



Main components and antioxidant activities of Lycium barbarum L. beveragesusing two different fermentation processes

  • LI Peipei ,
  • XIE Xianghong ,
  • WANG Cong ,
  • LI Dongdong ,
  • LIU Jun ,
  • WANG Liping ,
  • ZHANG Xikang ,
  • MA Lu ,
  • LIU Dunhua
  • College of Agriculture, Ningxia University, Yinchuan 750021, China

Received date: 2019-07-25

  Online published: 2020-02-10


该实验探究乳酸菌与酵母菌结合发酵枸杞饮料时,不同发酵方式下枸杞饮料的主要成分、抗氧化活性及两者相关性。以枸杞汁为底物,在30 ℃接种2.5%乳酸菌(嗜热乳杆菌∶植物乳杆菌∶鼠李乳糖杆菌质量比为1∶2∶1)和非酿酒酵母(绿茶培养的红茶菌中分离出的)制备发酵枸杞饮料。结果表明,与乳酸菌和酵母菌混合发酵相比,先乳酸菌发酵再酵母菌发酵枸杞饮料的还原糖含量(5.91 mg/L)下降更快,总酚(5.121 mg/L)和总黄酮(118.64 mg/L)含量较高,抗氧化活性更强,生成的挥发性风味物质包括6种醇类、7种烷烃类和8种酯类;其中总酚和总黄酮含量与DPPH自由基清除率、ABTS自由基清除率、羟自由基清除率均呈现显著性正相关,与超氧自由基清除率呈现显著性负相关。发酵枸杞饮料有良好的抗氧能力,为不同发酵方式下枸杞饮料的探究奠定理论基础。


李佩佩 , 颉向红 , 王聪 , 李冬冬 , 刘军 , 王丽萍 , 张喜康 , 马露 , 刘敦华 . 不同发酵方式下枸杞饮料主要成分及其抗氧化活性[J]. 食品与发酵工业, 2019 , 45(24) : 90 -97 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021780


This study aimed to analyze the changes of chemical components, antioxidant effects and their correlations in fermented wolfberry (Lycium barbarum L.) beverage under two different fermentation conditions. The fermentation was carried out by inoculating 2.5% LAB (the ratio of Lactobacillus thermophiles, Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus rhamnosus was 1∶2∶1) and non-Saccharomyces yeast (isolated from kombucha fermented with green tea) at 30 ℃. The results showed that comparing with mixed fermentation of LAB and yeast, in the sequential fermented (LAB, then yeast) beverage, the reducing sugar content (5.91 mg/L) decreased rapidly, but the total polyphenol (5.121 mg/L) and flavonoid (118.64 mg/L), as well as the antioxidant activity increased significantly. The volatile flavors including 6 alcohols, 7 alkanes and 8 esters were produced in wolfberry beverage fermented using sequential fermentation process. The correlation analysis indicated that the total phenols and flavonoid of sequentially fermented wolfberry beverage which were positively correlated with DPPH·, ABTS· and ·OH scavenging rates, but negatively correlated with O2-scavenging rate. The fermented wolfberry beverage has well antioxidant capacity.


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