以藏羊肉为研究对象,用体积分数0.8%孜然精油+0.35%花椒精油+0.25%肉桂精油+98.6% TW-80(体积分数0.01%)的复配精油进行涂抹,并真空包装后于4 ℃条件下贮藏,测定贮藏期间藏羊肉pH、汁液流失率、挥发性盐基氮(total volatile base nitrogen,TVB-N)、菌落总数及感官指标的变化。结果显示,在贮藏期间,复配精油处理组肉样pH、汁液流失的增长速率均显著(P<0.05)低于TW-80组和空白组;空白组在15 d时菌落总数和TVB-N分别为6.57 lg CFU/g和16.51 mg/100 g,而处理组在24 d时菌落总数和TVB-N分别为6.21 lg CFU/g和15.27 mg/100 g,才接近腐败标准;同时处理组在贮藏期间色泽、气味、弹性、黏度及煮沸后汤汁的感官评分均高于TW-80组和空白组。在真空包装方式下复配精油处理藏羊肉贮藏期延长了9 d,为藏羊肉贮藏保鲜方法的深入研究提供有效的理论依据。
This study was conducted to explore an effective method to prolong the storage period of chilled mutton. Tibetan mutton was treated with compound essential oil (volume fraction), composed of 0.8% cumin essential oil, 0.35% prickly ash oil, 0.25% cinnamon essential oil and 98.6% TW-80 (0.01%V/V). After vacuum packaging, it was stored at 4℃ to determine the changes in pH, drip loss rate, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), total colony count and sensory indicators during storage. The results showed that during storage, the growth rate of pH and drip loss in compound essential oil group was significantly lower than that in the TW-80 group and the blank group (P<0.05). After 15 d of storage, the total number of colonies and TVB-N in the blank group were close to the corruption standard (6.57 lg CFU/g and 16.51 mg/100 g), while in the compound essential oil group, the total number of colonies and TVB-N reached 6.21 lg CFU/g and 15.27 mg/100 g at 24 d. Meanwhile, the sensory scores of color, odor, elasticity, viscosity and sensory scores of boiled liquid in the compound essential oil group were all higher than those in the TW-80 group and the blank group. Overall, the combination of essential oils with vacuum packaging could extend the shelf life of Tibetan mutton for 9 days, which provides an effective theoretical basis for the in-depth study of storage methods for Tibetan mutton.
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